Building Authentic Relationships: 4 Small Group Tips from 1 Thessalonians

Every disciple is called to make more disciples, and small groups are in the trenches of discipleship making. Small groups are fantastic places to learn, but more importantly, they are the best place to build authentic relationships and learn together. Creating an environment that elevates authentic relationships is a challenge, but a great example can […]

How To Protect Yourself from Burn Out

It’s been about five years since it happened and the thing is…I didn’t see it coming. I guess I should have, everyone around me could see it happening…but man, I sure didn’t. I could hear God but I wasn’t listening. To be honest, I really didn’t like what He was saying. I can remember the […]

10 Books for the Small Group Point Person this Summer

I have learned that if I want to succeed in leading others I must first lead myself well.  And for me that includes reading great books.  For 2018 I set an ambitious goal for myself to read 100 books by the year’s end.  I did it to invest in myself.  I’ve learned so much that […]

Capturing Stories in 5 Easy Steps

I have a  few stories I’d love to share with you. Stories like Josue, who said, “Small groups have been God’s way of working in my life on the theme of building community and restoring real community and relationships in my life.” Or Nicole who said, “Small groups for me are like family.” These aren’t […]

When Volunteers Let You Down

When I first became a small group point person within a local church I approached it much like a farmer working to grow something. I got up early, labored long, and diligently cared for growing the ministry and mission. I thought this is the way to be successful and the way to model success. I […]

Are You Modeling “Better Together” Leadership?

The story begins in Exodus 17 where people are grumbling…and blaming Moses- “Why did you take us out here? Isn’t this journey ever going to end? Why can’t we find water? Didn’t you say God would provide?” Then, God tells him to go stand in the Nile river and strike the rock so water may […]

Small Groups: 3 Things for Walking a Tight Rope

Andy Stanley says, “Some tensions are to be managed, not problems to be solved.”  I was recently convicted by a conversation I had with a Small Group Point Person. He said, “With all of the groups you oversee, how do you know what is taking place in all of them? How do you know the […]

We Are All CEOs: 3 Ways to Encourage Your Small Group Leaders

The Power of Encouraging Words We see in Scripture that David was regularly “strengthened by the Lord.” Some translations say, “He encouraged himself in the Lord,” which means to strengthen or prevail (1 Samuel 30:6). And while I believe that God can give us a new spirit of strength in a way that we cannot, […]

Fully Developed Disciples

“You’re always doing curls for the girls.” When I was a high school football player, that is something we would say to a teammate in the weight room in jest. The comment was for a guy who was consistent with his arm curl weightlifting routine but not-so consistent with his lower body and legs exercises. […]

3 Ways To Celebrate and Encourage Small Group Leaders…

Being a dad of three boys under the age of twelve, cartoons are usually one of our major sources of entertainment. Currently our two (almost three) year old’s favorite cartoon is the Trolls Holiday special (THS for short) and let’s be honest real quick, any one who is the parent of a threenager knows they […]

Daniel Thomas

Connections Director


Daniel serves as Executive Pastor at Community Church of Mountain City, TN.  Daniel and his family are on a mission to establish roots within their community, fight for peace and serve well.  He serves as our Connections Director in laying the groundwork for Circles. He loves great coffee and traveling with his wife Tia and two children, Deklan and Aden



Individual Registration – $209.00

Team of 2 Registration (price per person) – $199.00

Team of 3 or more Registration (price per person) – $189.00

*Registration ends on Nov 8th, 2021. Walk-in registrations are not available.